Sunday, February 22, 2009


Monday: Beef Strips, Veggies, Couscous

Tuesday: Crab Cakes, Fresh Bread, Corn on the Cob

Wednesday: Crock Pot Roast and Bread

Thursday: Chicken Panini with Basil Pesto

Friday: Homemade Sausage Pizza

Saturday: Pork Chops, Potatoes, Peas

Sunday: Fend for Yourself Night

CVS 2/22 - 2/28

This didn't work so well. I didn't get any ECB from the razor and the total was more than I thought it would be. I need to call tomorrow to find out why I didn't get my ECB for the razor...

Transaction #1:
Gillette Gamer Razor
- $4 coupon
No ECB earned. :(
Beef Boullion Seasoning
Sunday Paper
Paid with 4 ECB
Total: $2.54 OOP (76% savings)

CVS 2/15 - 2/21

I'm still learning to CVS. I needed fillers on my second transaction and didn't have any planned, so I grabbed candy. Next time, I'm going to try to plan some out ahead of time. I don't need more candy! LOL

Transaction #1:
2 Herbal Essence Shampoo and Conditioner
- $3/2 coupon
Earn 2 ECB
2 Colgate Advance Whitening
Earn 5.98 ECB
1 Lysol Neutra Air Kit
- $5 coupon
Total: $11.21 OOP (42% savings)
ECB Earned: 7.98

Transaction #2:
1 Gillette Fusion Gamer Razor
- $4 coupon
Earn 4 ECB
SweetTarts Valentine Candy
%50 off clearance
Used 7.98 ECB
Total: .33 OOP (97% savings)
ECB Earned: 4

Weekend Shopping (Marsh, Meijer, K-Mart)

Spent: 19.73
Saved: 28.27 or 59%

Spent: 4.07
Saved: 5.39 or 57%

Spent: $.44
Saved: $20.43 or 98%!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Shopping on Sunday 2/8

I spent a bit more than usual, but I also picked up a couple treats that we don't normally get to have. We had a tiny bit of cash left over after paying bills and so I figured we would splurge just a tiny bit. No pics as I can't find my camera.

I had to go to two different stores because the first didn't have everything that I wanted to buy.

Transaction #1:
10lb bag of potatoes
2 lb sweet potatoes
thin spaghetti
Total: 5.34
Saved: 3.62 or 40%

Transaction #2:
6 Yoplait yougurt cups -
2 grated parmesan -
4 Shamrock chocolate milks
Swiffer wet cloths
Bulk basil
1/2 gallon of milk
Total = 16.98
Saved = 9.89 or 37%


2 pesto
2 Campbell Chunky Fully Loaded soup
Velveeta cheese
2 6 pack Diet Sunkist
Toilet paper
3 Pringles
2 frozen soft pretzels
3 cheese blocks
Farm Rich Mozzarella Bites
Chex Mix
Betty Crocker Warm Delights
Ricotta Cheese
Kashi Bars
Toaster Streudel
2 Progresso Soup
Total = 48.46
Saved = 32.03 or 40%

Not a bad week. I probably would have done better at Meijer had it not been for the little extras.

Monday, February 9, 2009


Everything I’ve read and researched has said that menu planning is absolutely vital to maintaining a frugal lifestyle, so I’m going to try to be a little more diligent about trying to plan ahead what we eat for most days of the week. This is quite different from my usual method of vaguely thinking about some things that I might like to make for dinner early in the week and then just winging it for the rest of the week. This inevitably leads to me standing in front of a pantry STUFFED with food and plaintively howling to my hubby, “But, baaaabe, we don’t have ANYthing to coooook!”

So, here goes.

Monday - Pesto, Pepperoni, and Mozzarella Panini
Tuesday - Crockpot Beef Stew
Wednesday - Chicken, Steamed Veggies, and Couscous
Thursday - Spaghetti with Meat Sauce and Homemade Bread
Friday - French Toast and Fruit
Saturday - Potato Soup with Leeks

First Post

Welcome to my blog! My name is Crista and I am THAT mom. You know, the one whose kid is wearing galoshes, a superman t-shirt, and a sparkly pink tiara. The one that can cook you a gourmet meal, but can barely balance her checkbook. The one that comes to your dinner party in a little black dress... and plaid sneakers. The one who teaches her baby how to walk by using the family dog as an example... and then wonders why her toddler will only communicate in growls.

I’m pretty well relaxed and like to take it easy. I’m here to share my passions which include cooking, couponing, and of course my adorable 9 month old, Aly. I figure this blog will just be a hodge-podge of various things. Because the only thing I hate more than doing dishes is having to color inside the lines!